Monday, June 22, 2009

Thw way To Deal With Asbestos

Most people hear the word ‘asbestos’ and immediately think of something very hazardous to one’s health. Very few people actually know what asbestos is-it is just that shadowy danger present in old buildings and homes. There are ways to safely deal with asbestos, but it is important to understand this material before attempting to remove it.Asbestos is a mineral fiber. It was very commonly used in buildings a few decades ago, especially as insulation. Its fire retardant capabilities made it an ideal choice, as well as its light-weight and relatively inexpensive to produce.

However, asbestos can be inhaled and collect in the lungs and respiratory linings. This can, in turn, cause cancer. The fibers are so small, and rarely do the effects of asbestos inhalation appear early in the exposure. It often takes many years for the negative impacts on health to be realized. Due to these concerns, many asbestos-containing products are banned by the EPA.

The discovery of asbestos should not, however, result in an immediate attempt to remove the product oneself. The fibers are only released after the product is disturbed. Material in good condition does not usually release the fibers into the air. Only when an attempt is made to remove the product (by ripping, cutting or even sanding) do the asbestos fibers release into the air.

If one is truly concerned about the presence of asbestos in the home, he or she can call professionals to remove the product. The EPA can recommend contractors who follow certain procedures and take special precautions in the removal of asbestos materials.

While the presence of asbestos in the home doesn’t necessarily constitute a health hazard, many people feel better to have it removed completely. The important thing to remember is to never attempt removal. Contact a professional to take care of this potentially hazardous task.
How To Successfully Treat Cancer Using Inexpensive, Proven, Natural Therapies. Click Here!

Mesothelioma Lawyers In High Demand

Mesothelioma is a rare, deadly cancer that strikes nearly 3,000 people in the United States every year. The average life expectancy of a person suffering from mesothelioma is a mere six months from diagnosis. Most victims are men over the age of forty who have worked with asbestos or in buildings where asbestos was present.

Because mesothelioma is caused by direct exposure to asbestos or asbestos dust, as well as nearly 30 million tons of asbestos was used in buildings of every description until the mid 1970's, it has kept Mesothelioma lawyers in high demand, as they pursue Mesothelioma settlements for the victims and their families. If your home was built prior to the mid 1970's it should be inspected for asbestos. Asbestos was used in insulation, to include boiler and pipe insulation, fireproofing spray; firebrick, gunite and many construction materials, e.g. roof, floor and ceiling tiles.

Mesothelioma could develop up to 50 years after direct or indirect exposure to asbestos. Early symptoms can include shortness of breath, pain in the lower back or in the sides of your chest. Unfortunately, these symptoms are common to many types of illness, and diagnosis is often delayed because of this. If you suspect that you or your loved one might have mesothelioma, it is critical that you inform your doctor of your asbestos exposure. Other less common symptoms may include unexplained weight loss, fatigue, difficulty swallowing, cough, fever and sweats.

If you or your loved one is diagnosed with mesothelioma you should speak to a mesothelioma lawyer immediately to see if you have a mesothelioma case. Try to write down any source of possible exposure regardless of time passed and try to locate the responsible parties. Your mesothelioma lawyer'll advise you on the statute of limitations. If you have a family member who has died from mesothelioma you may still be eligible to file a claim. If you were never directly exposed to asbestos but contracted mesothelioma from indirect exposure, such as asbestos dust brought home on a family members clothing, you may also be eligible to file a mesothelioma case.

While a settlement can not erase the fact that you or your loved one have contracted mesothelioma, it can bring comfort, security and stability to a family in crisis.

In order to cope with a diagnosis of Mesothelioma, it is crucial to cognize three important facts about this disease. First, one needs to know what Mesothelioma is. Second, it is imperative to know what causes this deadly cancer. Lastly, one must know as much as possible about the three forms of Mesothelioma. They are Pleural Mesothelioma, Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Pericardial Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that is attributed to repeated exposure to asbestos. Individuals most susceptible for developing Mesothelioma are those who work in shipyards, asbestos mines, manufacture asbestos products, and those employed in the heating and construction trades. Mesothelioma does not usually become evident until 20 to 60 years after exposure to asbestos.

Mesothelioma gets its name from the word mesothelium. The mesothelium is the protective lining that covers and helps to protect most of the body's internal organs. This form of cancer invades the mesothelium. Pleural Mesothelioma, Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Pericardial Mesothelioma are aggressive forms of cancer that attack the protective lining of the lungs, abdomen and heart, respectively.

Pleural Mesothelioma is the most prevalent form of Mesothelioma. It presents itself in the Pleura, or lining of the inside of the chest that house the lungs. When asbestos is mined, manufactured or disturbed, asbestos particles escape into the air. These particles are easily inhaled or eaten . Over an extended duration of time, these inhaled and ingested asbestos particles may eventually cause normal cells in the Pleura to become abnormal, causing Pleural Mesothelioma.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a more rare form of Mesothelioma. This type of cancer originates in the Peritoneum or the membranous lining of the abdomen that encloses the stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, and pancreas. Peritoneal Mesothelioma accounts for less than a quarter of all Mesothelioma cases.

Pericardial Mesothelioma is a cancer invades the Pericardium, or the membrane that surrounds the heart. This condition causes severe heart problems, and most people who contract this asbestos-related cancer eventually die from heart failure.

The Pleura is thought to be most susceptible to Mesothelioma. Due to this membrane surrounding the lungs it is in direct contact with asbestos fibers when inhaled. This would explain why Pleural Mesothelioma is the most common form of this deadly cancer.

It has been suggested that when asbestos-containing fibers are ingested or inhaled they can be picked up by the lymph nodes and spread to other parts of the body. This may account for cases of Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Pericardial Mesothelioma.

Chronic exposure to asbestos, after a latency period of approximately 20 to 60 years, can cause Mesothelioma. If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma it is imperative to know what it is, what causes it and its three major forms; Pleural Mesothelioma, Peritoneal Mesothelioma and Pericardial Mesothelioma. Once you know what form of this asbestos related cancer you are up against it will aid you in seeking appropriate treatment options.

In addition to seeking aggressive medical treatment, you need to find out the cause of your asbestos-related cancer. Since all three forms are caused by contact with asbestos, think back on all the jobs you've had, and where you were exposed to asbestos. Next, go to see the advice of an attorney who is familiar with litigating Mesothelioma lawsuits. Your attorney will help you in documenting your exposure to asbestos even if it occurred many years ago, and also documenting the physical and emotional damage that your diagnosis of Pleural Mesothelioma, Peritoneal Mesothelioma or Pericardial Mesothelioma has caused for you.
How To Successfully Treat Cancer Using Inexpensive, Proven, Natural Therapies. Click Here!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


If we have never had to understanding with any arrange of asbestos it can be the genuine worry. We listen to all the time about how horrible asbestos is as great as how it can give we asbestosis. Although it can be the really dangerous piece we do not need to over be concerned about it as great most if we find it in your home. The reason asbestos has been used in the make of building tiles is since it’s the really unsentimental element in conditions of being equates to to conflict glow along with the little alternative things.
With asbestos flooring we should know that there have been fundamentally dual states it can be in. Either is can be non-friable that is where it is in the protected form as great as we do not need to be concerned about it. Whereas if it’s unsound it equates to that the spores of the asbestos can get in to the air as great as thus in to your lungs.
Luckily if we do confirm we wish to get absolved of your asbestos flooring tiles, it’s the flattering easy pursuit that can be finished by dilettante contractors. You should never try the dismissal yourself since reserve rigging needs to be ragged such as goggles as great as respirator. The tiles can afterwards be taken divided in vast pieces as great as we should never try to saw or cavalcade it since the asbestos can afterwards get in to the air.
Some people competence consider that it’s as great costly to have the tiles private professionally though this is not the single responsibility we should try to cut out. In most places it’s opposite the law to try the dismissal yourself as great as additionally the asbestos needs to be likely of rightly as great as cannot simply be placed in to the garbage. Instead the asbestos is placed in to the great air-tight enclosure that is afterwards obviously noted so that people know what is inside.
Although asbestos can be ideally protected if authorised to lay where it is undisturbed, it can be really dangerous if we begin to poke about with it. This is since if we wish to do any arrange of home remodelling we should possibly stay great divided from any asbestos in your home or we should have it professionally private by the contractor. Many people have engaged asbestosis since of bearing to asbestos as great as this is since so most lawyers specialise in asbestos cases. If we have found out that we have been pang from this condition it is great value contacting the internal counsel that deals with such cases since there is the great possibility we will be equates to to explain for compensation.

How To Successfully Treat Cancer Using Inexpensive, Proven, Natural Therapies. Click Here!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Michigan Mesothelioma Lawyer

Asbestos is a very toxic mineral that was widely mined and used during the 70’s as fireproof roofing and flooring materials, for heat insulation, gaskets, brake pads, clutch plates, stage curtains, and interior fire doors, fireproof clothing for firefighters, and for many other purposes. If you or anyone you know have lived in Michigan and its surrounding areas and have contracted Mesothelioma should immediately get the services of a Michigan Mesothelioma Lawyer for proper legal remedies.

Individuals who worked in asbestos mines, factory and construction workers, ship yards, automotive brake mechanics, and any one else who worked with asbestos-lined insulation materials over a prolonged time have an increased risk of contracting Mesothelioma or cancer of the chest and abdomen lining.

Studies have shown that prolonged or even short-term exposure to asbestos can cause other forms of illness other than Mesothelioma to occur. Other forms of cancer such as cancer of the colon, kidney, larynx, pancreas, and esophagus have been linked to asbestos exposure. Although some individuals who worked around asbestos never develop the illness, science has not yet determined what predisposes some individuals to contract the illness. Symptoms of Mesothelioma may take from 10 to 30 years to manifest.

A claim for asbestos-related injury or illness is known as a personal injury claim that can be filed anytime within three years after diagnosis by a specialist. The families of victims who’ve died can still file a claim within three years after the death of their loved ones. Because of the cancer’s nature, a special provision of the law has been made setting the statute of limitations for filing a claim to begin at the start of the victim’s diagnosis, and not with the initial exposure. In some cases, even if the three year period has already elapsed, filing a case for compensation can still be possible. In this regard, it is of vital importance to consult only with a highly experienced Michigan Mesothelioma Lawyer, who has a thorough knowledge and understanding of asbestos compensation cases and asbestos laws.

Lawyers who specialize in Mesothelioma claims have access to all the important documents connected to claims of asbestos-related injuries and illnesses. From gathering all your personal and medical records, to proving that your illness was due to your employers negligence, your lawyer will be able to gather all evidences to make your case successful. They will do everything in their power to investigate your claim using their experience; if your exposure happened at work, your Michigan Mesothelioma Lawyer can file a case against your former employer, whether they are still in the same business as before, or have declared bankruptcy and moved on to another type of business to elude liability.
How To Successfully Treat Cancer Using Inexpensive, Proven, Natural Therapies. Click Here!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Types Of Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma often exposed to asbestos on the previously rare form of cancer that is found. This means that most of the internal organs of the body cover is a protective lining mesothelium, cancer cells form. These cells, typically the lungs, abdomen, or the heart lining encircles the form to the administrative law won.

The average life span of a person diagnosed with this disease is about 4-24 months is found. About 3000 people die every year in the United States mesothelioma. People at risk in the former steel workers before that, a car mechanic, mineworkers, and asbestos dust, a lot of people in the military between workers can be exposed. To risk their family, from clothing to asbestos dust can can travel anywhere in the sky.

In the current era, one in the world mesothelioma cancer is one of the most dangerous. Treatment is very difficult or even impossible to detect. Some of the common mesothelioma symptoms of the disease is very much similar. As a result, even if the patient is showing signs of mesothelioma, and it is difficult for doctors to diagnose and more. That the highest incidence rates are mainly three types of mesothelioma. These three types of pleural mesothelioma, pericardial mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma.

Pleural mesothelioma: the main cause of pleural mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos is a mineral of the individual. When asbestos fibers gets embedded in the membrane between the mesothelium surrounding the lungs after the cancer is known as pleural mesothelioma. Cancer of the pleural mesothelioma is the highest ratio. Once asbestos fibers in the pleural membrane remain dormant for long periods. After a delay period, the fibers and to start interfering with the operation of the mesothelial cells. This is interference in the development of the cancer tissue.

Pericardial Mesothelioma: asbestos fibers, the results in pericardial mesothelial cells, known as pericardial mesothelioma cancer and to start interfering. Membrane around the heart in the pericardial mesothelium is membeureinro. After a long waiting period, the asbestos fibers and to start interfering with the operation of the pericardial cells. This interference in the development of cancer cells in the pericardial region.

The peritoneal Mesothelioma: mesothelium membeureinro peritoneal membrane area is known around the abdomen. When asbestos fibers in the area of peritoneal cancer, peritoneal cancer and the results are known to have stuck. Just like the other two cases, peritoneal cancer after a long delay, the asbestos fibers are interfering with the operation of the peritoneal cells occurs when you start.

All the above three forms of mesothelioma are devastating for the patient as there is no permanent cure for this cancer. Once a person has been diagnosed with this cancer, the only option left to him is make his remaining life pain free and comfortable.
How To Successfully Treat Cancer Using Inexpensive, Proven, Natural Therapies. Click Here!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

hidden dangers of Asbestos

Modern life has provided us with many conveniences which has made our life easier and simplified our daily chores to some extent. Many of the things which we take for granted for these days have some serious health side effects which are only discovered after the passage of time. One such item is the exposure to Asbestos.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring silicate mineral which has many industrial uses. It became increasingly popular among manufacturers and builders in the late 1800 because of its resistance to heat, electricity and chemical damage, sound absorption and tensile strength. It quickly gained acceptance amongst the general population was soon used throughout most industrial world.

It has been found out in many clinical studies that Chrysotile asbestos, like all other forms of asbestos, has produced tumors in the laboratory animals. Mesothelioma has been observed in people who were occupationally exposed to Chrysotile, family members of the occupationally exposed, and residents who lived close to asbestos factories and mines over a period of time. Asbestos exposure becomes a health concern when high concentrations of asbestos fibers are inhaled over a long time period. People who become ill from inhaling asbestos are often those who are exposed on a day-to-day basis in a job where they worked directly with the material. As a person's exposure to fibers increases, because of being exposed to higher concentrations of fibers and/or by being exposed for a longer time, then that person's risk of acquiring disease also increases. Cancer and other diseases are very unlikely to result from a single, high-level exposure or from a short period of exposure to lower levels.

Like many other dangerous products, the manufacturers of asbestos knew about the extreme dangers before they revealed it to the public. As a result thousands of people were needlessly exposed to this highly dangerous substance. People who are diagnosed with Mesothelioma are often entitled to compensation, and working with an aggressive and experienced Mesothelioma Lawyer can make a big difference. Many manufacturers of asbestos have gone bankrupt over the years and only an experienced lawyer can help victims receive compensations that they deserve.

How To Successfully Treat Cancer Using Inexpensive, Proven, Natural Therapies. Click Here!

Diet Low In Fat And High In Fruits And Vegetables Good For Prostate Cancer

Based on a recent study, diet low in fat and high in vegetables and fruits might be good in treating and preventing prostate cancer. In the research, scientists intended to determine whether alterations in diet may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Robert W.-L. Ma and his partner K Chapman from University of New South Wales (UNSW) worked on the ground of fact related to dietary solutions to avoid prostate cancer and in taking care of the prostate cancer patients.

Prostate cancer patients’ diet, as per the scientists’ recommendations, should rule out inclusion of high energy products, meat and dairy products. Instead, they should focus on low fat diet which is high in fruits and vegetables in addition to calcium consumption. The scientists recommended cauliflower, tomatoes, broccoli, green tea in addition to vitamin E and selenium in order to prevent prostate cancer. They also pointed out that there are proven connections between highly processed meats, milk products and fats in relation to prostate cancer.

The scientists who contribute their result of study to the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics said that the study shown an alteration in diet can possibly avoid the risk of prostate cancer though it is not fully established. The recommended dietary therapy for prostate cancer patients in order to get them direct involve in the treatment process.

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Statistical Data for Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma statistics show relevant data about this lethal disease. It develops in the lungs, heart and the abdomen, Pleural (of the lungs) is the most common of this disease. There are cases though that the reproductive organs may be affected. Little time is left for the patient if he is diagnosed with this cancer, one to two years.

What Does the Statistics Reveal?

Mesothelioma statistical data have shown that more than seventy percent of all cases of mesothelioma have been directly linked to prolonged exposure to asbestos. Asbestos was an often used material in railroads, constructions, factories, shipyards and automobile industries. Mesothelioma statistics were able to highlight the link between asbestos and cancer more than sixty years ago. However, unprincipled companies have chosen to continue using asbestos for profit motives.

The statistics also reveal a silent killer profile for this dreadful disease. It can lie dormant for a decade or more without being detected or without showing symptoms. Usually diagnosis occurs when the patient reaches the age of 50 or more. When mesothelioma is diagnosed, it is already in the last stages and little time will be left for the patient to survive.

Mesothelioma Statistics Related to Treatment:

Sad as it may seem but no cure has been found for mesothelioma. The statistics shoe that when the time comes that mesothelioma is diagnosed, only 12 to 24 months remain in the victims life. The survival rate cannot be extended to five years even though it is detected and treated earlier. Up to eight thousand dollars can be spent with mesothelioma treatments. It is really quite expensive that is why lawsuits are usually filed by mesothelioma patients to cover the medical and other related costs relating to this awful disease.

What Are The Things That The Statistics Does Not Reveal?

The statistics may only reveal the number of the diagnosed mesothelioma patients . Two to three thousand mesothelioma cases occur each year or may be more. This does not account for the number of people who unknowingly already have mesothelioma already developing inside their bodies. No statistical data can be extracted for the probable number of people who may be diagnosed with mesothelioma in the future.

Are Mesothelioma Statistical Data Helpful?

With this statistics, the government can make regulations to make mesothelioma patients be eligible to apply for compensation. These statistics can be used by the lawyers for use in lawsuits and compensation claims. Attorneys or lawyers can extract data from the statistical information to support their claims.
About the Author:
There 3 mesothelioma types- pleural, peritoneum and pericardial. Find out more of them at the website what is mesothelioma. Grab a totally unique version of this article from the Uber Article Directory

Legal Rights for Asbestos Cancer

Asbestos is a kind of chemical fiber used in manufacturing industries. The use of asbestos was very popular because of the material’s innate pliant and tensile strength. But the popularity of asbestos use was cut by the discovery of its carcinogenic (able to cause cancer) effect on the body. Many have died on mesothelioma, a kind of lung cancer caused by asbestos and asbestosis.

Many people just don’t understand the danger of asbestos that many industries are still using it despite of the government’s call to stop the production and use of such product. Most people who worked in industries where asbestos of the main product or ingredient to products as protected by law for any disease that they may get as a result of working in such hazardous industry. People who get mesothelioma can get Mesothelioma Lawyer to claim their rights for treatment under federal law. Receiving compensation from health damaged caused by a known cancer-causing substance has never been easy.

If you know anybody who has had mesothelioma cases or a loved one who succumbed to the disease, I invite you to step up and call for an immediate medical attention and legal representation. Read through the site I gave you and learn how you can get the help of a mesothelioma lawyer.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Mesothelioma Asbestos Lung Cancer

Mesothelioma Lung Cancer  ... legal help and general information for people diagnosed with abestos related mesothelioma lung cancer. ... Asbestos Lung Cancer Asbestos Cancer History ...

_ Mesothelioma and Mesothelioma Cancer from Asbestos  ... lung cancer patients, mesothelioma families, and friends with asbestos cancer ... of smoking with asbestos exposure is detailed in Smoking & Lung Cancer. ...

Asbestos Cancer | Treatment and Support for Pleural Cancer  Asbestos cancer, officially known as malignant mesothelioma is a rare cancer that affects the ... asbestos fibers which lodge in the pleura and lung wall. ...

Mesothelioma: Questions and Answers  Fact sheet on mesothelioma from the National Cancer Institute. ... mesothelioma, exposure to asbestos increases the risk of lung cancer, asbestosis ...

Mesothelioma Options : National Help For People With Mesothelioma  ... diagnosed with MESOTHELIOMA or asbestos related LUNG CANCER, Please Contact us ... been diagnosed with mesothelioma or asbestos related lung cancer, you may be ...

Mesothelioma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by exposure ... mesothelioma, exposure to asbestos increases the risk of lung cancer, asbestosis ...

Mesothelioma Lung Cancer Lawsuits: Information  ... any type of Pleural, Lung, Chest Cancer), or Asbestos Cancer you ... or someone you know has Mesothelioma or Asbestos Lung Cancer, you or they may be ...

Kazan, McClain, Abrams, Fernandez, Lyons & Farrise  ... Harley, California mesothelioma lawyers, represents victims of asbestos cancer and other asbestos-related diseases in ... mesothelioma, lung cancer, ...

Are you aware that Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer can both be caused by Asbestos exposure? Different types of treatment are available for these cancers, including traditional ones such as Chemotherapy and surgery, as well as experimental treatments and clinical trials. If you have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma or Lung Cancer because of exposure to Asbestos in the Oakland area, we can help.

Asbestos Lung Cancer - Malignant Mesothelioma Information  Information on lung cancer caused by asbestos, the leading cause of people developing mesothelioma. ... asbestos lung cancer are asbestosis and mesothelioma, ...

Asbestos Exposure and Cancer Risk - National Cancer Institute  A fact sheet about asbestos, asbestos-related diseases, and who to contact for ... In addition to lung cancer and mesothelioma, some studies have suggested an ...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Asbestos Exposure Leads to Cancer

Getting cancer is a very serious health condition and constantly we are on the look out of possibly contracting one. Some go to great lengths of preventing the onset of cancer but little did all of us know that everyday, we are prone to getting cancer. This is the cancer in the form of exposure to asbestos. More commonly known as Mesothelioma, this disease is a result of inhaling or ingesting asbestos fibers. The fibers become trapped in the mesothelium, a protective membrane that surrounds many internal organs, causing damage to the mesothelium and creating conditions that can contribute to the growth of cancerous cells.

Asbestos is composed of fibrous materials. This is commonly found in insulation and fireproofing, car brakes, cements and joint compounds, floor tile, and pipe coverings among other products. Even blankets, clothing, cigarette filters, hair dryers, tape. fertilizers and other household products contain asbestos. Breathing asbestos fibers into the lungs poses the risk of having serious medical conditions including Mesothelioma, lung cancer, and Asbestosis.

The risk of Mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis increases with the number of fibers a person inhales. What’s worse is that symptoms of those contracted with the disease will be visible about 20 to 30 years after their first exposure to asbestos. Once diagnosed, victims are often estimated to have less than a year to survive. However, those who are diagnosed in the early stages of the disease have the highest rate of survival due to the assistance of medical treatments.

Since this disease are mostly contracted from the workplace, those who have been diagnosed must know their legal rights that will entitle compensation from negligent employers, manufacturers or others responsible for causing asbestos exposure. You may need the assistance of a skilled Mesothelioma Lawyer as their skill and experience in the Mesothelioma litigation will help guide you and your family on the right path to the medical and financial support you deserve. Therefore, it is very important to seek legal advise as soon as you are diagnosed with Mesothelioma.

The Deadly Effect of Asbestos

To provide hope and life-saving treatment to the thousands of people dying each year from asbestos-caused mesothelioma, federal governments of affected countries must make substantial investments into medical research.

Asbestos must be banned in the United States and in other developed countries to protect future generations from increased proliferation of this deadly disease.

Mesothelioma: A Terrible Killer

Mesothelioma is an extremely painful, almost always fatal cancer in which membrane cells (mesothelium) lining the chest or abdomen become malignant and multiply and divide without control. The resulting tumor thickens and hardens, crushing the lungs and suffocating the patient, invading the chest wall causing severe difficulty in breathing and sometimes invading other vital organs like the heart, aorta or the abdomen, leading to various forms of the cancer.

We are all at risk

Mesothelioma is the tragic legacy of the industrial and commercial use of asbestos.Advertised as ?the miracle mineral? because of its excellent fireproofing, insulating, filling and bonding properties, asbestos was used virtually everywhere in industry,manufacturing and construction from the 1930s through the late 1970s, even as its carcinogenic and respiratory lethality was well known to medicine, industry and the government. At its peak usage, more than 3,000 industrial applications or products were listed as utilizing asbestos.

As a result, over 20 million American workers were exposed to this mineral and are at risk of developing mesothelioma today, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). When the workers in the asbestos related industries brought the fibers home on their skin, hair and clothes, their families were also exposed to the dangerous mineral.

Asbestos was prevalent on Navy ships, and servicemen and shipyard workers were heavily exposed. A study at the Groton, Connecticut shipyard found that over one hundred thousand workers had been exposed to asbestos over the years at just this one shipyard.

Mesothelioma has a long incubation period before its symptoms start to show (ten to 50 years), and even low-dose, incidental exposures to asbestos are sufficient to cause the cancer. Thus, the prolific exposures of the past are leading to an epidemic of disease today. Minnesota Congressman Bruce Vento worked near an asbestos-insulated boiler in a Minneapolis brewery for two summers while putting himself through college. In October 2000, he was diagnosed with mesothelioma, and died just ten months later.

According to the most recent data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2004, approximately2,700 Americans died from mesothelioma, and incidence still has not peaked.

Millions more Americans are being put at risk today, because of all of the asbestos that remains present in occupational settings; in buildings such as homes, offices and schools; and in a wide variety of products. Just one product, an insulation contaminated with a very dangerous form of asbestos, is estimated by the EPA to be in 30 million

The EPA estimates that there are asbestos containing materials in most of the nation’s approximately 107,000 primary and secondary schools and 733,000 public and commercial buildings. According to the US Department of Labor?s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an ?estimated 1.3 million employees in construction and general industry face significant asbestos exposure on the job.? The utility tunnels under our nation?s Capitol have hazardous levels of asbestos, and demonstrate just how pervasive the problem is.

In fact, asbestos still has not been banned. Every year, the hazards of asbestos increases as more of the carcinogen is introduced into our environment. Asbestos is still used in roofing and other building materials, and in many consumer products including vehicle brakes. As a result, everyday occurrences like going to work, simple remodeling projects, or the normal wear of roofing materials, tiles or brakes on a family vehicle are exposing Americans to the hazardous risk of mesothelioma.

Needed: A National Commitment to a Cure

Mesothelioma was identified in medical literature by the late 1940?s. However, for decades the need for research to develop effective treatments for mesothelioma patients was ignored, obscured by the legal, economic and political aspects of asbestos.

The National Cancer Institute?s annual investment in clinical mesothelioma research has been, on a per death basis, only a fraction of its investment in other cancers. For years,despite the disproportionate toll of the disease on Navy veterans and shipyard workers,the Department of Defense did not apply any of its vast biomedical research resources to mesothelioma.

As a result of the Meso Foundation?s advocacy efforts, in 2008mesothelioma investigators are for the first time eligible to compete for Department of Defense Peer Reviewed Medical Research Grant funding. No mesothelioma grants have yet been awarded, however, this has led to advancements in the treatment of mesothelioma lagging far behind those of other cancers. According to the National Institutes of Health, the median survival of mesothelioma patients is only 14 months, with most patients dying within two years.

But there is hope. Since 1999, the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation has awarded over $5 million to spur mesothelioma research forward. Researchers are gaining valuable understandings of the tumor and potential treatment targets, and new clinical trials are opening. The field is ripe for federal partnership. Federal investment in the research needed to develop earlier detection and more effective treatment is essential to provide hope to the thousands of Americans who will become sick as a result of asbestos exposures that have already occurred or that will inevitably occur given the virtual ubiquity of asbestos in our environment.

The proliferation of asbestos and asbestos-disease must be stopped. Over 40 developed and industrialized countries have already banned asbestos; the United States should also protect its citizens by enacting an immediate asbestos ban.

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Malignant Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that often fails to show up until decades after exposure to asbestos, a known cause of malignant mesothelioma. It is critically important to have a proven mesothelioma lawyer on your multi-disciplinary team once you have received a definitive diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma. Because of the direct correlation between malignant mesothelioma and the exposure to asbestos, it is important that as a patient you work with a mesothelioma lawyer who is well versed in mesothelioma law and case history. With the increasing incidence of mesothelioma there are many law firms that specialize in handling mesothelioma cases.

A strong mesothelioma attorney is an important member of your multi-disciplinary team. You might wonder why it is important, at this point in your life, when you are trying to deal with the devastating diagnosis, to spend any time or energy seeking out a law firm that specializes in mesothelioma or even a mesothelioma lawyer. It is important because of the pain and suffering and the potential loss of life that you now have to deal with as a result of this diagnosis.

If you have developed malignant mesothelioma you may wish to pursue legal action against a current or former employer that could be responsible for your exposure to asbestos. History now tells us that there were many companies over the years that were well aware of the danger and impact of asbestos and yet allowed their employees to be exposed routinely to the dust and fibers of asbestos…without any thought for their health. These American workers worked hard for years to provide for their families and the real tragedy is that now that these workers are reaching retirement age their health is showing the effect of asbestos exposure decades earlier.

malignant-mesotheliomaSelecting a law firm that deals exclusively with mesothelioma patients and their families is the best choice. These mesothelioma lawyers have the experience to provide you the strongest and most proven counsel. A mesothelioma lawsuit can provide the fair compensation you deserve for pain and suffering, especially in light of the fact that malignant mesothelioma could, in most cases, have been prevented had there been no asbestos exposure.

If you choose to seek legal counsel, then be certain that you choose an experienced mesothelioma lawyer and one that has a proven track record. Ask about the mesothelioma attorney’s experience, number of successful cases tried, and even how quickly previous cases were resolved. In the case of malignant mesothelioma, experience really counts. For you and your family, you deserve to work with a lawyer who has the experience in the field of malignant mesothelioma…someone who can do the research, quickly track down the companies and employers that may have been responsible for the exposure and make certain that you and your family receive the fair compensation you are entitled to receive. Not just any lawyer will do…a mesothelioma lawyer is the only “right” choice to handle patients diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma.

Asbestos Mesothelioma Resource

For those of you that have no idea what mesothelioma is; or at least knows that it’s a type of cancer but would like to know more about it, this article on asbestos mesothelioma resource will attempt to inform you as much as possible. This disease may not be popular but it certainly destroys the lives of people who have mesothelioma and his or her close friends and relatives.


To start, mesothelioma is caused by exposure to a mineral called asbestos. Fortunately, not many people are at risk of the hazardous asbestos compared to other toxic material. Even so, according to the AJRCCM 1.3 million people are still vulnerable to poisonous asbestos.
These are the people who are most susceptible to be exposed to asbestos and obtain either pleural mesothelioma or peritoneal mesothelioma:

• Workers in mines of asbestos extraction

• People who work in the trade industry

• Workers at shipyards

• Manufacturers of Asbestos products

• Workers in the construction industry

• Workers in heating industry

• Family and friends of all of the above

The depressing part of it all is that getting mesothelioma isn’t your fault, but because of negligence from the owners of these mines, shipyards, construction sites, etc. In the past these people have failed to implement safety measures and the consequences are being paid by everyone involved. The workers because of the illness and the owners because of all the compensation money they have to pay for every mesothelioma lawsuit they have had in the years.

Asbestos and the Law

Asbestos mesothelioma legal claims cost around $200 billion in the US. It is relatively easy to win a mesothelioma case because of the implications on how you obtained the disease. However, you must take into account that these people have had thousands of lawsuits throughout the years and they hire the best legal sharks out there. So it must be noted that they have techniques to drag and setback as much as possible the lawsuits.