Friday, July 3, 2009

The Skin Cancer Treatment Options?

Cancer treatments often vary depending on how far the disease has progressed and what type of cancer you have been diagnosed with. Your doctor will base the decision on your medical history and how good your physical health is in the present. The treatment for skin cancer has a healthy success rate and there are greater chances survival if you realize its symptoms early and start the treatment without any delay. You should not assume the reasons yourself instead it is always wise to consult your doctor.

For basal cell carcinoma there are a few different types of treatment options that can be used. The first is the Mohs Micrographic Surgery, which is used to remove the cancer without harming the healthy tissue surrounding it. The cancer is removed in layers and examined after each layer is removed.

As the doctor continues to remove thin layers during the procedure, he may continue to see more cancer cells. Once the doctor finds normal tissue, he will stop the removal. The doctor may also use a normal incision to remove skin cancer; however, when this method is used, there is a risk that some normal tissue will be excised along with the cancerous tissue.

Cryosurgery can be used to freeze the skin cancer cells and kill them. The use of a laser to focus light that will kill the skin cancer cells. Radiation therapy may also be used for the treatment of skin cancer. The x-ray will be used to shrink and kill the skin cancer tumors. A lotion that uses chemotherapy can also be used topically to treat skin cancer. The chemotherapy will kill the skin cancer cells when the lotion is applied on the affected area.

Each case of skin cancer is different and the options for treating it are determined by your doctor. You should be sure to talk about the different options and question side effects and rate of success for each one.

To make a decision about skin cancer treatment, you should have all the pertinent information available to make a wise choice. Treating it early will keep it from spreading to other parts of your body. If you wait until the later stages of skin cancer, your options for treatment will be much less than if you had started earlier.

Most important is that skin cancer be caught in its early stage, in order to treat it with the best chances of cure. For this reason, a monthly self-examination is advised.
How To Successfully Treat Cancer Using Inexpensive, Proven, Natural Therapies. Click Here!

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